Pitfalls in Estate Planning

Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Time: 11:45am - 1:15pm
Speaker: Donnasue Smith Ortiz, Esq.

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presented by Donnasue Smith Ortiz, Esq.

Your client has finally signed their trust, pour-over will, advance health care directive and financial power of attorney.  The documents are safely stored in a fire-proof safe.  What could possibly go wrong? 

EPC San Bernardino is pleased to welcome Donnasue Smith Ortiz, Esq. to discuss the problems that arise before, during, and after preparation of an estate plan.  She will cover topics such as divorce, marriage, special needs beneficiaries, failure to fund a trust, lost original documents, business succession and death. 

Donnasue Smith Ortiz is a sole practitioner in Rancho Cucamonga with over 30 years of experience in  Estate Planning, Probate, Conservatorships, Elder Law and Guardianships.  She is a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Probate and Trust with the California State Bar.  Ms. Ortiz has prepared over a thousand estate plans, including business succession plans for high wealth clients.  She is a past President of San Bernardino County and Western San Bernardino Bar Associations and currently serves a Temporary Judge for San Bernardino Superior Court. 

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